Heading 6
Bee balm
Monarda fistulosa
Plant Type
Hardiness Zone
3 - 9
Flower Color
Lavendar pink
Bloom Period
Late summer through early fall
Height at Maturity
24 - 42 inches
Width at Maturity
12 - 18 inches
Sun Requirements
Full sun
Soil Type
Neutral, moist, dry
About this species:
This monarda is a member of the mint family. It has a square stem with leaves that are placed opposite each other on the stem. Monarda fistulosa may be affected by powdery mildew. It helps to keep the plant thinned to provide more air circulation. If you want more plants divide this plant at the roots.
Pollinators enjoy the nectar of this plant. However, some bumblebees are not helpful as they avoid the pollen of the Monarda fistulosa. These bees pierce tiny holes at the base of the flower to access the nectar thus avoiding the pollen above. The seedheads attract birds in the fall and winter if the plant is left standing. Native Americans used this plant for medicinal purposes.
If you want more plantings it is best to divide this plant at the root.
The Monarda fistulosa symbolizes compassion and sympathy.
Key to Label Symbols:
Shelter | Hollow stems, leaves and roots are sources of shelter for wildlife. Insects may make a winter home under dropped leaves. Other animals may make shelters within the roots of the plant. | |
Food Source | Birds and other wildlife use the seeds, berries and leaves for their food source. Leaves may be used to help build nests for birds | |
Nectar Source | Bees, butterflies, birds and some insects use nectar for their food. Pollen is also used by some wildlife. |