The Redington Parlor
In the parlor are Asa Redington's desk, wing chair, windsor armchair and federal mirror, as well as a fine Chippendale side chair similar to the work of Eliphalet Chapin, and a fine pair of Hepplewhite card tables from the Boutelle family. On the walls of the parlor you will find some assorted "mourning" or "memorial" paintings. They vary in technique, and were very popular in the early 19th century. They were painted on fabric, and were created to honor a deceased friend or loved one.
The dining room contains more Boutelle family furniture including four finely carved Hepplewhite dining chairs, a 6'8" tall clock (one of several in the museum's collection), a banjo clock and empire table and buffet. There is an outstanding series of Boutelle family portraits.